Custom Barn Well Pumphouse Junction Texas 24'x36' all steel custom well pumphouse located in Junction, Texas. This is the third project for this particular customer. This pumphouse was framed with 11 gauge, 4"x4" posts. The walls are 14 gauge 4" c-purlin. The trusses are framed with 6"x2" 14 gauge c-purlin. The rafters are 4"x2" 14 g. c-purlin. The doors were custom framed and made from 2"x2" 14 g. square tubing for the 9'x10'. The roof is a 26 g. galvalum R Panels and the walls are 26 g. R Panel in emerald green.
Attached 2 Car Carport NW San Antonio, Texas
Attached 2 Car Carport NW San Antonio, Texas Customer requested a two car carport to be attached to their home. Also, it was requested that the frame be painted to match the trim of the home. This 20'x20' carport was built using 14 g. steel posts and 26 g. r-panels
Commercial Free Hanging Awning San Antonio Texas
Commercial Steel Awning San Antonio, Texas Custom all steel awning, painted to match building by request of business owner. Awning was requested to be built to block the sun for customers.
Custom Industrial Commercial Steel Gate
Custom Industrial Commercial Steel Gate Customer requested a custom made steel gate with welded pickets. Unlike pre-fabricated panels, our custom panels have individual welds that hold much stronger than the ones you can buy already made. Custom crafted from start to finish, including paint.
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